Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Know the ten rules of land use

I saw this in the Henderson County Planning Department and thought it was clever, so enjoy!
Know the Ten Rules of Land Use

These ten truisms are offered by the Staff of the Henderson County Planning Department to anyone considering buying land in the mountains of Western North Carolina.
  1. Never assume that undeveloped land in your neighborhood will always remain so. Unless you own it, count on something else being built there. 
  2. Water runs down hill. Unless you live at the top, you will probably experience stormwater runoff problems.
  3. The winter sun rises low in the sky. If you must live on the side of a mountain, always choose the south side. 
  4. Not all land is zoned. If property near you is not zoned, then think of the most obnoxious use conceivable and picture it in your community.
  5. If you are not native to this county, whatever attracted you here will likely attract others. This phenomenon is known as growth.
  6. Land values are driven by supply and demand. Taxes are based on land value. These things change.
  7. There are significant difference between public and private roads. If you must live on a private road, be prepared to pay for it. 
  8. Wells and septic tanks tend to fail. Make no mistake about this.
  9. If your land is so located that it is safe from annexation or incorporation, it is probably a prime candidate for a landfill, prison, utility tower, quarry or reservoir.
  10. In land use issues, the common good usually prevails. Never assume that you know what the common good is. 

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