Monday, December 5, 2011

Observations from the gallery: Tonight's county commissioners meeting

First off, I have to admit I basically missed the vote, not because I wasn’t there, but because it happened so quickly. There didn’t seem to be a call for any nays, Chairman Thompson never announced it had passed (that I heard), and then Commissioner Edney started speaking. I’ll have to take a look at the video once it’s up.

A few thoughts and observations:
The commissioners were not a happy bunch to have to take this vote. Each commissioner addressed the issue so I’ll just list who spoke in order and what stood out to me about their comments.

Mike Edney
  • Thanked Course Doctors for their good intentions
  • Feels that the area by the Highland Lake Golf Club is not part of Historic Flat Rock
  • Addressed several rumors: stated that none of his children are interested in soccer, so he had no personal reason to push for the soccer complex development, and stated that his father, Jimmy Edney, a local real estate broker, was not involved in the purchase transaction in any way
  • Disagreed with Mayor Staton's recollection and reiterated that the mayor first heard of this in April and definitely knew since August (Mr. Edney said he had at least one email on the issue from August)
  • Considered Flat Rock’s response somewhat “shameful” and that people say those in Flat Rock “get lost once they get past Fresh Market” (they're not interested in being part of Henderson County)
  • What now, if anything, should be done with the area? Maybe the County Parks & Rec could work with the village on something?
Bill O’Connor
  • Airing our differences is part of our heritage
  • “The village was involved every step of the way”
  • “Appreciates and supports all the processes that took place”
Larry Young (voted against the original October 19 motion to exercise the option to purchase)
  • Friendly with the owners of the Highland Lake Golf Club, but did what he thought was right for the people of the county
Charlie Messer
  • There was a planning process
  • No intent to leave anyone out of that process
Tommy Thompson
  • Always concerned about the people of Flat Rock


  1. oK, the residents of flat rock and surrounding areas won the battle but not the war it still rears its ugly head and now is really angry.. i just hope they can get a buyer that keeps the course in its natural state.

  2. I don't feel any shame. On the contrary, I feel righteous.

  3. It's a shame Mike Edney, who represents FR, doesn't recognize that the golf club is a part of "Historic Flat Rock." And, it's a shame that as our representative he believes that we (which includes him) get "lost" beyond the Fresh Market. It's a shame he is a county commissioner. I hope we learned a lesson and our votes won't go to support him again because that would really be a shame. Loyd Kinnett

  4. Also note Edney apologized to Course Doctors. There was NO apology to the taxpayers from any of the four Commissioners who voted for this in the first place, especially the ones from Flat Rock who deserved the apology the most.

  5. Commissioner Edney was wrong. Flat Rock residents don't get "lost" past Fresh Market. They were able to find the Historic Courthouse just fine to tell him what they thought of all of this.

  6. Mr Edney is totally out of touch with his constituents, the people that elected him are not his concern for what ever the reason. We need to let him hear our voice and solicit him to resign....or at least work to gedt him out at the re-election in 2014 !
