Friday, November 4, 2011

Bill O'Connor tries to shore up support

From Henderson County Commissioner Bill O'Connor to his email list:
You may or may not be aware of the current controversy over plans for a Highland Lakes Park to serve the south end of our county off of Upward Road.  This park is just one part of the development of a revitalized park system (a Chain of Emeralds), exemplified by the recent redesign and upgrading of the anchor of our park system, Jackson Park, for our county as opportunities present themselves and as resources permit. 
This proposed new park will also add regulation sized soccer fields for the first time in our county, providing for the many older children and adults who now have to travel to Buncombe and Greeville County South Carolina, for the chosen recreation - not incidentaly spending on food and supplies while out of our county.

I completely support the new park as a citizen and as your Commissioner.  If you agree or not with me on the issue I urge you to turn out at the Commission meeting at the Old Courthouse at 1st and Main 5:30 Monday, Nov. 7th.  You need not speak but your presence will show your interest in the park.

This a local issue, and the concerns of the residents living around the new park are, and will be be addressed in the context of responsible development of the park, but this lucky chance to aquire 65 acres of mostly park-ready land so close to our population center, and convenient to I-26, at just $17,000 per acre will not likely come again.

Whether or not you can come I implore you to take a moment to express your stand tonight to and ask her to distribute your comments to all the Commisioners.  This is important civic action - take it, please.

  Respect and Affection

Bill O'Connor
Henderson County TEA Party 
This seems counter to every Tea Party principle I've heard of: limited government, governmental transparency, etc.

1 comment:

  1. You mean, opposed to FREE per acre at the Fletcher site? Fletcher is right off I-26, too, in fact, easier to access from Asheville, making the site much easier to attract tournaments if the complex was built.

    No, Commissioner, this will actually cost about $2 million over 10 years when you factor in the purchase of land, putting in the soccer fields, the maintenence costs, water costs, lost property taxes for Henderson County and Flat Rock, etc.


    For $2 million you can put in artificial turf at all high schools, something you need to do anyway, and rent them out on weekends and MAKE MONEY for the schools!

    This has "boondoggle" written all over it!

    Please explain why the XCel SportsPlex doesn't need a grant or even a public loan to expand their facility, but we MUST fund this soccer complex.

    Please explain why Habitat for Humanity can have a fundraising drive to raise $1 million for homes on the radio, but the soccer community, being unable to raise money to build a complex in Fletcher despite being all but given the land in a sweetheart rent deal, deserves a bailout?

    From a person who touts "Tea Party" in your signature, certainly you should know FIXING things is more important than NEW things, like FIXING the gym at Balfour School, FIXING the track at Hendersonville High, and FIXING the driveway and parking lot at the bus garage.

    But you don't get plaques with local leaders' names on them for fixing things...

    ...this boondoggle needs to be withdrawn.
