Sunday, November 6, 2011

Golf community speaks up

From Amanda Stewart, a letter to the editor from the golfing community on what it would mean to lose the Highland Lake Golf Club:
To the Editor: On the eve of the Henderson County commissioners meeting, I have been going over the letters, expressing concerns, for and against the proposed Soccer Complex being considered for the Highland Lakes Golf Course property. Let me say, our son has participated in team sports as well as individual sports. Where most schools encourage students to work together, play together, work well with others, be a “team player,” they do not prepare our children for “real life.”

Golf gave our son invaluable life lessons. To achieve success from one's own making. If you work hard, practice, concentrate, reach for a goal, with honesty and integrity, you will succeed. Golf showed him he could excel as an individual. Golf helped prepare him for college, where the discipline he learned from the game, enabled him to study by himself and rely on “himself” to succeed. He was not a star player and did not receive any special compensation in which to base these comments on his success! How many of our concerned citizens have asked the question, "How many young people utilize Highland Golf Course?" How has it benefited in so many young persons' lives? Would it not be cost effective to have a muninicipal golf course in Henderson County?

Parents should look at team sports in a different way. Is their enthusiasm FOR their children or FOR themselves? Is their “gung ho” attitude about a new complex (that will impact so many Flat Rock Residents) giving them an outlet so they can be “rabid parents” cheering on their children, screaming at officials, and in turn embarrassing their children with their actions? Not all children enjoy these embarrassing “public” moments. Not all children want to play soccer because Mom and Dad want them to. Parents, spend some quality one on one time with your child. Take them to the golf course or do something as a family! You will build a relationship with your children which most families are missing today!

How many members of the Henderson County Board of Commissioners and Henderson County Soccer Association actually know the value of honesty? It seems like they all need a good lesson in golf.

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