Wednesday, November 9, 2011

From Historic Flat Rock

A note from Rick Merrill, president of Historic Flat Rock:
Tuesday the 8th, Historic Flat Rock, Inc. Vice President Peewee (Mary) Satterfield and I met with Flat Rock Mayor Bob Staton and Councilman Ron Davis about the proposed soccer complex at Highland Lake Golf Course. We were instructed by HFR Executive Committee to come in as cooperative problem solvers, trying to soften the project or make it go away. It was a cordial and productive meeting.

Early in the conversation it became clear the FR Village Council was expediting a change of their Land Development Ordinance to make what is being proposed a Special Use instead of the current rule Conditional Use. The key difference is a Special Use tracks first through the Planning Board and then Village Council. A Conditional Use tracks only through the Board of Adjustment. We began to feel like we had friends. Later on it was clear that the VC will be establishing a diverse committee of adjoiners and land planners to review the draft plans and recommend to the VC what might be more appropriate for Flat Rock.

Forget the notion that Flat Rock is going to roll over and let Henderson County have its way with them. Not in the cards. A thoughtful mixed use park with sought after benefits to the residents of the Village is. That likely will mean less soccer fields. More as it evolves.


  1. There are a few problems with that. One, with the very dubious approach to this from Henderson County, there is growing outrage over the purchase of the land at all.

    Second, there is a park one mile away at East Flat Rock School. There is no justification to spend $1.15 million to bail out a golf course.

    Third, this would likely run out the clock on that option fee. Again, the county taxpayers do not appreciate how this was handled to begin with.

    It is nice to see that Flat Rock is not rolling over on this.

  2. Can we get Tom Fazio involved in an effort to save this golf course?

  3. I totally agree with Dennis. This is the same horse painted different colors. The three communities impacted need to come together and be part of the solution to the problem of the golf course. One such solution is to allow the golf course to be put on the free market, as private property should be. It was a productive golf course until the owners decided to take their profits and sink them into the golf course in Lake Lure. It's been mismanaged. Any good business person with a solid business plan can get that course up and thriving again. The tax payers are not here to bail out Course Doctors.

  4. For those that aren't familiar with The Historic Flat Rock Inc, go to their websight and join for $35.00 annually. This wonderful organization has been working hard to preserve and protect historic homes and areas. Beverly

  5. If our mayor and councilman would visit a soccer complex in operation especially with a tournament going on, sometimes playing until 1 or 2 AM they would quickly come to the conclusion that the Highland Lake Golf site is not a good location. There's a reason that most all soccer complexes are location away from residential areas and in industrial parks or near industrial sites. Try to find any soccer complex in the country located in a residential area. If you can find one it would be very rare.

  6. Ron

    Your wisdom exceeds the years of life. but we are talking about the commissoners now, they were very sneaky they way they passed it. and your right it will be a mess. Fletcher is the best site..

  7. Jane

    Please be respectful and keep your frustration directed at the county (purchaser). Insulting the owners of the property is misguided and achieves no purpose. If you decided to sell your property and the county made you an offer, I bet you would not turn it down either. Stay focused on working towards the best outcome here for the residents and community. And, I'm not sure what that is - a park, vacant land, low-income housing on the buildable acreage, farm, pasture land, etc. You seem to have inside info on the profitability of the golf course. Perhaps you should approach the owners with a purchase offer.
