Friday, November 4, 2011

A response to Bill O'Connor

A response from Tom Aho, Hendersonville resident, to Commissioner Bill O'Connor's email (sent to T. Wilson as Mr. O'Connor requested):
I received a e-mail from Bill O'Connor urging me to support the purchase of Highland Lake Golf course to be used as a "county park". While I could heartily support it's use as a public county park, I cannot support this purchase for the use intended. This is not in the best interests of the entire county, and in fact impacts a residential area with added traffic, reduced property values and many added future expenses such as road widening, traffic signals, parking areas, maintenance, lighting,etc. I could and would support this project if it contained one or two soccer fields, or baseball diamonds or tennis courts so it could be used for the greater good of the entire county however this seems to be a soccer complex with a couple of picnic tables....all done in a flood plain. While the price may be favorable, I don't see that this is a bargain for the entire populace, especially given the fact that Arvin Meritor and the city of Fletcher already have a signed lease agreement with the soccer community.

Please understand that I live on the other side of the county, so this development does not affect me personally. That said, I still think it is a bad idea, poorly thought out and certainly not done in the sunshine. I also find it ironic that the people who currently own the property are to be the ones to develop the property and maintain it. What a sweetheart deal that is.

1 comment:

  1. Finally, somebody who make sense... not a appropriate place for a soccer park a walking park, picnic area yes this woul keep the integrety of the area and what FLAT ROCK is noted for
