Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Bob Ferguson writes the Henderson County Commissioners

From Flat Rock resident Bob Ferguson:
During a time when highly transparent, grass roots, participatory government are essential – the actions of our County to convert HLGC to a (largely) soccer park are surprising, - and the recent 4 to 1 vote to exercise the $1.15 million Option to Purchase the golf course by year end, is alarming.

Prior to October 20th, no FR residents, save Les Boyd, were aware of or participated in this secret initiative, -- including the Mayor and Village Council of FR. How could this happen ?

Does the County hold the authority to make the purchase, change the use of the property, satisfy or ignore the remediation of negative impacts --- noise and light pollution, traffic and parking issues, hard surface run-off, flooding, sanitary concerns, and security -- ? All of this, not to mention the concern of a “drastic” reduction in residential property values, per Commissioner Larry Young. Should there not be a comparative Cost/Benefit analysis of HLGC (perhaps with some modifications) to our quality of life in the County and FR, -- up against – the proposed soccer park? Did the County study other locations to accommodate a new soccer park, outside of in the middle of three established residential communities? Why can existing Jackson Park soccer fields not be upgraded, as more viable option? The $1.15M purchase price (by the way, where is the source of funding/debt obligations for this purchase?) is only a part of the capital/operating cost exposure for the County taxpayers.

If this is such a good idea, a “no brainer” as Mike Edney was quoted, -- why has it not seen the light of day until now – when it appears as a “fait accompli”? The announcement was accompanied with a troubling, limited range of support, and specifically excluded any participation from those residents in FR who will most certainly be impacted. Questionable representation, at the very least.

The FR Village Council, I would suggest, should step forward, forcefully, to protest their non involvement to date, and protect this special historic place, and its visual appeal. Before it is too late, our County Commissioners should dramatically slow this process and provide time for substantive resident participation - and perhaps revisit their taxpayer priorities.

1 comment:

  1. So many unanswered questions but here are a few:
    What is the HCSA's obligation to the Town of Fletcher with the lease agreement their mayor revealed?
    Why is there such a rush to bulldoze Henderson County's oldest golf course in order to create a soccer complex in the Village of Flat Rock?
    Has studies been done for increased noise and traffic pollution ... environmental impact?
    Some of us that own property within close proximity have concerns. A well thought-out park may be the perfect obtion for the property but my objection remains on a 9-field soccer complex. North Highland Lake is a narrow winding road.
