Monday, November 28, 2011

"Flat Rock council nixes soccer complex"

A more complete write-up of today's Flat Rock agenda meeting by Gary Glancy of the Times-News:
In what one resident called a “great example of the democratic process,” homeowners won their fight to stop the conversion of Highland Lake Golf Course to a soccer complex on Monday when Flat Rock Village Council unanimously voted against the project....

When the six councilmen in attendance — Vice Mayor Nick Weedman missed the meeting because of medical reasons, Staton said — voted to reject the county's plan, the crowd erupted in applause. Residents shouted statements of approval like “This is a great day for Flat Rock!” and “You did the right thing, Mr. Mayor.”...

County Manager Steve Wyatt said he expects the matter to be placed on the agenda for discussion at next Monday's commissioners meeting. “Is the board interested in looking at this time at other options and discussing that? If they are, then we'll go in that direction,” Wyatt said. “But they'll have to determine if that's going to be a priority going forward.”...
Read it all, but Mr. Wyatt's comment is why I won't feel like this is really over until we hear definitively from the Henderson County Commissioners.


  1. We are thrilled to read Gary Glancy's article and your report today!!! Did our Mayor Staton actually say: “We, at the beginning, accepted this as a done deal,” Staton said of the village council, “and you never did.”? Scary that in his mind it was a done deal. Isn't he an attorney?

  2. Congratulations on stopping this boondoggle.

    The next County meeting should be entertaining. All of this could have been avoided with artificial turf at the high schools. The way four Commissioners arrogantly pushed this and claimed "done deal" and "no-brainer" has really backfired.

    My dad alerted me of the vote. He was even more against it than I was due to the costs and the whole dubious nature of all this.

    Unless the soccer community is willing to run a soccer complex in Fletcher PRIVATELY after a $600K grant, there is nothing for the County to talk about. We don't have the money to subsidize soccer fiefdoms!

    Next meeting should be loads of fun.

    Again, congratulations!

  3. now whats next the course doctors are not happy and will be looking for a alternative direction they will have to maintain it just keep its appeal.. if we got many volunteers to help keep the course running. it could fly lets see about this
