Saturday, November 19, 2011

Henderson County 2007-2011 strategic plan: Goal 2

Henderson County has a strategic plan with six goals. I’ve already taken a look at Goal 1 as relates to the county’s option agreement to purchase the Highland Lake Golf Club and develop it, with the help of the Henderson County Soccer Association, into a large soccer complex in the middle of three established residential communities. Now on to the next one:
Goal 2: To responsibly manage growth and its impacts.
One of the strategies under this goal is:
Strategy 2.2: To direct growth to areas where essential services and infrastructure are present and protect sensitive natural areas and key historic / cultural resources from extensive development.
With the 1995 incorporation of Flat Rock, the village is part of but also separate from Henderson County in some areas, so maybe the county leadership felt that they didn’t need to concern themselves so much to “protect…key historic/cultural resources from extensive development.”

The entrance into the village that runs beside the Highland Lake Golf Club is a key historic resource as a gateway into Historic Flat Rock.

Gateway into Historic Flat Rock
Flat Rock’s history is a vital part of Henderson County and a major draw for tourists to come to the area, including the opportunity to visit landmarks like the Flat Rock Playhouse, St. John in the Wilderness, and the Carl Sandburg National Historic Site. The nature of the village makes it also very attractive to those looking for a year-round lifestyle that offers both quiet charm and sophistication. To protect this image, each entrance into Historic Flat Rock must present a vision reflective of that. 

St. John in the Wilderness Episcopal Church

Entering the village through massive traffic on a tournament day, or any day with multiple games or practices scheduled, or attending an evening performance at the Playhouse after driving past high-intensity lights for night play does not mirror the character of the community.

Soccer lights at night

In deciding to develop a soccer complex in the current location of the golf course, the county commissioners have forgotten their overall goal to "responsibly manage growth and its impacts" (they seem have to ignored the impact on the village), as well as the strategy to "protect...key historic / cultural resources from extensive development"--development doesn't get much more extensive than potentially putting thousands of people into a small area with inadequate roads.

Next: Goal 3: To enhance the quality of life for all citizens through improved access to health care, children’s services, aging and elderly services, human services, public safety and cultural and recreational resources.

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