Saturday, November 5, 2011

"Golf course"

From the November 4 Times-News, a letter to the editor from Glenn Dudas of Hendersonville:
To the editor: I don’t understand how buying a golf course and turning it into soccer fields is going to generate revenue for the county.

First off, nobody said anything about the cost of changing the shape of the land and redesigning the course into soccer fields. It’s not free.

Secondly, do you really think these soccer fields are going to bring this money back to the county anytime soon? Don’t count on it.

For a county that has no money, we sure seem to spend it freely. We can’t hire teachers, police and other personnel we need to keep the county going. What about all the people you just laid off? Maybe they can sell ice cream at the new soccer fields.

Keeping it as a golf course would be more beneficial, and it would be used all the time. Soccer fields generating funds for the county is a joke; we have plenty of space that the county owns that could be made into soccer fields. Nobody I have talked to thinks it’s such a wonderful idea. Sounds fishy to me, but what do I know. I just live here.

1 comment:

  1. all you have to do is read Flat Rock Vision Statement this project goes against everything it stands for people are getting there pockets lined $$$$... there is no advandage to soccer here
